LOL: Last One Laughing Quebec streamen
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Patrick Huard reopens the doors of his mansion to ten new contestants for the second season of LOL: Qui rira le dernier? Watch them struggle in this epic 6-hour battle as they try to master the art of making their opponents laugh while keeping a straight face themselves. The one to rise to this challenge will win $100,000 for a charitable cause.
Bei welchem Streaming-Anbieter ist die Serie verfügbar?
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Amazon Prime Video

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Apple TV+
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Alle verfügbaren Staffeln bei
- Patrick Huard - Self - Host
- Jean-Michel Anctil - Self
- Dominic Paquet - Self
- Réal Béland - Self
- Anne-Élisabeth Bossé - Self
- Mona De Grenoble - Self
- Jo Cormier - Self
- Korine Côté - Self
- Maude Landry - Self
- Mélanie Maynard - Self
- creator - 松本人志
- producer - Ginette Gauthier
- executive-producer - Richard Speer
- executive-producer - Marie-Élaine Nadeau
- executive-producer - Jean-François Boulianne
- director - Suzanne Labelle
- director - Benoît Giguère