Film (2022)
IMDb Logo 5/10

Little Lies

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Little Lies ist derzeit nicht bei Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Apple TV+ oder Disney+ als Stream verfügbar.


Is it worth lying for love? Bárbara never has any luck with men and Eva and Matías, a marriage in crisis, they introduce Julián. The first meeting is a success, but the couple discovers that Julián is a fraud. Together they must investigate and unmask Julián's true life. During their detective adventures, the couple finds love again but at the same time they discover their own lies.

Poster: Little Lies
  • Leonor Varela - Eva
  • Florencia Peña - Bárbara
  • Benjamín Vicuña - Julián
  • Coca Guazzini - Julián's mother
  • Germán Baudino
  • Flor Vigna - Claudia
  • Agustina Suásquita - Tenista Morocha
  • director - Sebastián Schindel
  • writer - Leonel D'Agostino

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