Film (2018)
IMDb Logo 6.9/10

Three Words to Forever

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As they near their 25th wedding anniversary, Rick and Cristy try to conceal their crumbling marriage while their family prepares for a big celebration.

Poster: Three Words to Forever


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  • Sharon Cuneta - Cristy Andrada
  • Richard Gomez - Rick Andrada
  • Kathryn Bernardo - Tin Andrada
  • Tommy Esguerra - Kyle
  • Freddie Webb - Cito Andrada
  • Liza Lorena - Tinay Andrada
  • Cheska Iñigo
  • Joross Gamboa - Paeng
  • Marnie Lapus
  • Hyubs Azarcon
  • director - Cathy Garcia-Molina